Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Your Spirit Guides

My three kids are snuggled up in their beds while I write this post. The house is perfectly quiet, my fireplace is on and I am blogging - something I love to do! It is pretty awesome.

I have been wanting to work lately without compromising my "stay-at-home" role. Ideas? I'd love to hear them. I have been asking for divine help on this topic too. To who in specific, you ask? Good question!

Spirit guides - who are they?

I probably have written about Spirit Guides before but they are such an important part of our spiritual journey and as such, definitely worth another post. Spirit Guides are exactly what their name implies. They are spiritual beings whose job is to help you with your journey on Earth. 

Some believe that they could be a deceased loved one, some believe that they are definitely not anyone related to us, some believe that guides come and go as our lives dictate ... It really doesn't matter. All these things are technicalities. Just keep in mind that they are spiritual beings that are available to help you 24/7. Isn't that amazing?!

Problem is ...

The problem with having Spirit Guides is that we need to ask for help. Some believe that Spirit Guides will not interfere in our lives unless we ask them to. I don't know if I believe that and again it doesn't matter. I actually think that if we're not asking, then we are not in a space to receive or listen for the answer.

Our guides will make our lives so much easier if we just asked for their help. Nothing is too silly or small and absolutely nothing is too big. If we feel it is a burden or we need help with it, then it is legitimate to ask for help. 

How to ask for help?

The easiest way to ask for help from your guides is to just state what you need. It is actually very simple. If you are looking for a job then ask that they help you find one that suits you and will make you happy. If you are looking for a soul mate then ask for them to bring him or her to you. 

Your gut feelings are your guidance. Follow them! I can't stress to you enough how important it is to follow your intuition. Sometimes, it feels silly or far-fetched to follow your gut but trust me, it will never betray you. 

Simply put

Ask, ask and ask some more! Spend time in meditation so that you can connect with your guides and receive their guidance for you. If you need help meditating, send me an email to and I will give you some ideas. 

Thoughts, questions, comments or ideas?

You may leave a comment below, email me to or find me on Facebook by becoming a fan of 

Have fun connecting!

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