Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't put a period where God placed a comma!

I recently sent out my monthly newsletter. I send one every month with information on my upcoming classes, book recommendations and a "Ponder This!" section. September was the first newsletter I sent out after losing Isabella. I mentioned the loss of Isabella in that newsletter and pointed them to the blog. A lot of my newsletter readers hadn't read the blog yet mainly because they didn't know about it. Since then I've had a renewed flurry of activity from people emailing me their condolences. I am always honored to receive those notes and it warms my heart to feel that people truly care. So for that I thank you all.

In one of the email exchanges I had, a friend of mine said to me "don't put a period where God placed a comma". I thought that was a fantastic statement! I thought about all the times that we make a decision that seems so definite only to have the course of our lives altered for the better just a few months later.

In the few months before meeting my husband I had decided that I was going to be about myself for a while. I didn't want to go out with my friends, I wasn't going to date, all I did was do things that allowed me to go within and discover who I was. The last thing on my mind was meeting the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with. During my "break" from the stimulus of the world, I got invited to a friend's annual crawfish boil. This was a party that I had been to for years and pretty much knew everybody. I thought I would decline the invitation but my mom really wanted to go see her friends so I took her. I met my husband that night; we talked all night and have been together ever since. I had put a period where God had a comma.

I love Doreen Virtue's oracle cards. I must own 5 different decks. One of my favorites is "Magical Messages from the Fairies". I also love the Archangel and Angel cards. I'll pull cards sometimes daily. A lot of my cards will say something to the effect of "everything is ok" or "things are working out in your favor". I look at those cards sometimes and think how could that be? How could 3 miscarriages in a row be an ok thing? But what if this is not a period but the comma that we're talking about?

I like to think that the Universe is always on my side and things are working out for my best. Why don't I give God and the Universe a chance to show me how things are working out in my favor? I really don't believe that Isabella will ever come back to us in the physical form. At the same time, what if her work with us is not done and there's still more to come. One of my friends who lost a daughter at full-term to a still-birth thinks that she is now her guardian angel. That’s a perfect example of allowing this experience to be a comma and not a period.

I suggest allowing the Universe to be on your side and looking at everything in your life as an enhancement to it. Allow God, Spirit, the Universe, Source or whatever you’d like to call it to move in your life. I always tell my students and clients to go with the flow; what if God has something great in store for you? Don’t stop before your dream is realized.

Don’t put a period where God placed a comma!

I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can email me to, find me on Facebook or post a comment below.

By the way, you can sign up for my newsletter at if you’d like.


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