Friday, October 30, 2009


I am still trying to absorb all that was discussed during my workshop with Wayne Dyer. Anytime I attend a workshop of this nature I usually come back with resolutions for myself. This particular workshop was pretty significant for me since I was there on my birthday. I felt that I would stick with whatever I chose to accomplish.

One of the resolutions I made was that I would start a gratitude journal which I would write in every day until my next birthday. I'm already experiencing a shift in my attitude. If something happens that would've normally upset me it seems as though I am able to shift the feelings faster. For example, my 4 year old broke the cabinet this morning. I did reprimand him but then was able to go back to my happy place after a meditation. This is something that prior to making this conscious decision to be calm I would have taken a lot longer to get over. I write in my gratitude journal every evening and sometimes I go back to read what I wrote before. It always has the same effect of putting a smile on my face.

Another resolution I made was that I would start teaching my 6 year old son how to meditate. My 4 year old also comes to hang out with us but he's not as into it. I figure he'll get there soon. We start by sitting quietly for a few minutes and taking deep breaths. Then I pick a word for us to contemplate and meditate on. A few of the words we've meditated on so far have been kindness, love and patience. We'll pick one word and use it all day. So if the kids are playing with one another and they're not being nice to each other we'll remember that the theme of the day has been being kind.

We also do nightly prayers with the kids. Partly of the nightly routine is to contemplate what happened that day and what we're grateful for. Each of my kids gets to say what they enjoyed about the day. My 4 year old said that he was grateful for his parents and brother, for his room, the posters and even the color on the walls. It was fun for me to hear what they came up with. We close out the day with talking somewhat of the day to come and praying for happy dreams.

One of the biggest changes that I can see in myself is this sense of peace. Being in the presence of people like Wayne Dyer and Ram Dass allows you to view life in a different light. Wayne Dyer has just been diagnosed with leukemia and Ram Dass has been in a wheel chair due to a stroke for about 15 years yet they are both in a state of gratitude and oneness with God. When asked if he could beat the leukemia Dyer answered that would involve a fight and he's not about fighting. He's going to ask his leukemia to live peacefully in his body. What a fantastic way to look at it? Anything that involves a fight or struggle will ultimately lead to fatigue no matter what the situation is. At a later time, he mentioned that with "God all things are possible" as far as overcoming his illness. I have used this as a mantra for myself as well. With God anything and everything is possible.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below, email me to or find me on Facebook.

With God all things are possible! I am loving awareness. These are awesome mantras to have as part of your consciousness.

With Love,

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